MITROPA Chess Academy at the Youth Sports Game!

The MITROPA Chess Academy Director Aleksandra Dimitrijević took part of the delegation representing Chess at the Youth Sports Game together with the FIDE President Arkady Dvorkovich, the ECU President Zurab Azmaiparashvili and the ECU Vice President and Croatia Chess Federation Secretary General Alojzije Janković in Split (Croatia).

Aleksandra gave a simul for the audience which resulted in a great fun for many kids participating the event.

View the full gallery here.

About the Youth Sport Games:
The Youth Sport Games – Plazma Športne igre mladih is the biggest amateur multi-sporting event in Europe where children and young people, eager for games, socializing and competitions have been gathering in one place since 28 years.
The festival is organised under the auspices of the International Olympic Committee and the European Commission with a mission that goes beyond sports borders, also to act as a tool for educating young people about sustainable development and the importance of environmental conservation.
The event features multiple sports including Chess: sport legends from every discipline use to visit the event and make exhibition or masterclasses to serve also as possible role models.
Official website:
Photo credit: Plazma Športne igre mladih organising commitee

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